Monday, December 6, 2010


So, here we are somewhere between 8 and 12 days overdue depending upon which due date estimate you choose to use (first ultrasound said Nov 25th, the second ultrasound and LMP pointed to Nov 28th). But either way we are well overdue, especially for a second baby.

Tomorrow I have another OB appointment with NST. Last week when my midwife checked me the non-stress test showed the baby to be doing well. I also had an ultrasound that said my fluid level was 11... she said we wouldn't worry unless it got down around 4. My cervix was somewhere between 2-3cm and 60-70% effaced.

Now overall I am happy with the progress I've been making. I remember being 14 days overdue with Clara and having my midwife say my cervix was 'closed tight'. So at least this time something is going on down there. But, I just thought things would go faster this time...

Even though my midwife has been very supportive in not pushing me about induction, I feel like the clock is ticking. She told me that although she isn't usually on call this coming weekend, she will be due to a college's vacation. She said she could sweep my membranes this Friday to see if that got things moving or could have me come into the hospital on Saturday for AROM. I definitely don't want to go the AROM route because I know once they have me in the hospital with ruptured membranes then they won't let me go home without a baby even if it means pitocin and/or c-section. So that would in effect end my hopes for a natural labor.

If I don't have the baby this weekend, I 'll be past 42 weeks by my first ultrasound dating or just at 42 weeks by the second. I remember 42 wks being when the induction pressure really sets in. So if no baby this weekend, then my midwife will be off call for a few days and I'll be past due and dealing with the MD's in the group who aren't nearly as supportive. I know I can just hold my ground, but why does having a baby always mean a fight for me. Why can't it just been easy?

And maybe I'm just being silly. Afterall most women these days seem to prefer being induced. They even ask for it. I could just fold, accept the induction and another epidural... do things the 'easy way', but I really wanted to see my body handle childbirth on it's own the way nature intended. Plus I wanted to allow my child to be born without the risks meds introduce to him. Am I just being stubborn?

And this doesn't just effect me. I also have my mom, Patrick, Kelly, and Mary all waiting in the wings since they are my support team for labor and Clara's care during the labor. I'd love to be able to give them at least a decent time frame to expect this baby, but I can't unless I opt for induction. I hate inconveniencing everyone when it is within my power to get the ball rolling. But should it be my choice? Shouldn't my baby and body decide when his birthday is?

I think I'll let her sweep my membranes on Friday, but as long as baby and I are doing well, we'll just keep waiting without any intervention that is more invasive. Or maybe labor will start on it's own this week. Wouldn't that be a shocker.

1 comment:

A and M's Mom said...

Praying hard today that Morty makes his appearance tomorrow. Is that selfish of me? I'll be down for a visit regardless. Aidan says he's going to play Chase Clara. He says to do this you just run at Clara when she's in a good mood. Apparently the good mood part is required for the game to work.