Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wait, wait, wait

So here we are...19 days overdue. Awesome! I'm starting to get a little stir crazy about the whole thing. I want to do this as naturally as possible and allow him time to be born in his own way, but this is starting to go beyond 'fashionably late'.

I've been having mild contractions for the last 2-3 days about every 10 minutes when I'm moving around. They stop when I rest, but at least that way I've been able to sleep at night. Yesterday we had another OB appointment. I am now at 4cm and 90% effaced which I am quite pleased about. His head is down low and she said I could go at any time. Hopefully when things finally do get underway they will go smoothly and quickly.

My amniotic fluid level is 11 which according to Jeri, my midwife, is better than many women have at 40 weeks. The NST showed great movement and heart rate spikes for the little guy, too. The only problem was my initial blood pressure was 150/100. YIKES! But when they rechecked me at the end of the appointment is was back to normal. Apparently the fear of induction and fighting with the doctors really ups my BP. I'm not sure why I worry so much about it since Jeri has been super supportive.

The plan as it stands now is to have another appointment tomorrow (Wednesday) at noon for another NST and Jeri will strip my membranes (again). Then if still no baby by Thursday morning she would like me to go to the hospital for AROM. She is confident that with so much progress already breaking my water will result in labor onset. Another cool thing is that even though she is not on call Wednesday night she said that she will come in if I go into labor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So MEGAN...I know Clay is here because I see the photo and heard from your mom...but DETAILS!

Your giving birth brings back memories of Mason's birth, when I was given the responsibility to take care of you at the hospital. I was trying to teach you to knit, but all you could think of was your mom - and you BOLTED. We got to watch the tail end of her C-section, and your new baby brother coming out.
Glad your little guy finally arrived. He and Maddy will have to meet someday.
Love, Aunt Sue