Thursday, December 30, 2010

2 week check-up

Clayton has just had his 2 week check-up and he is healthy as can be. Here are his latest stats: weight - 10 lbs, 7 oz. height - 21.75 inches. head circumference - 14.75 inches.

As for Clara, she is adjusting pretty well to being a big sister. She wants to be involved and constantly is saying "I hold her." Apparently the obvious anatomical differences between them hasn't quite translated into her vocabulary because she also often says, "baby brother so cute. I love her". Also fun: she likes to let me know "baby's crying" or when I'm nursing to let me know "baby hunger. He's drinking milk from your boobies". So helpful to have a two year old informer around. I would hardly know how to be a mother without her help ;)

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