Monday, August 31, 2009

Clara at School

Here is Clara at her new school working with pegs.
She seems to really enjoy it, but I sure miss her at home.

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School

Clara started Montessori School today. She looked so cute when I had her ready to go.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

It's Potty Time

My baby girl peed in her potty today for the first time. When she woke up from her nap her diaper was still dry so I sat her on the potty in front of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with a sippy of apple juice. After a few minutes she got up and low and behold she had peed.

For those of you non-parents out there, you may be disgusted by my story, but the rest of you can understand my sheer excitement! Now I know we have a long way to go before she wants to go and will tell me, but at least she now knows that she can potty somewhere other than a diaper.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Breaking Out

This afternoon we put Clara down for a nap in her crib, but she had other ideas. She wailed and screamed from her crib, then the next thing I knew she opened her nursery door and came to find me in my bedroom.

After a while I finally got her to take a nap, but only in my lap.

Ut-oh... that means Baby can now escape her crib. Good thing most of her afternoon naps will be taking place at Montessori school starting Monday.