Monday, April 25, 2011

The Next Chapter: All Aboard

Well, first off, we had a very nice Easter. My mom and dad came to join us, along with Uncle Mason, for a lunch of grilled chicken, corn on the cob, baked beans, deviled eggs, and peanut butter jello no-bake dessert. Easy and tasty. Then following lunch we let Clara hunt eggs in our front yard. She has enthusiasm, if not talent, at egg hunting.

But that was yesterday... today Patrick left town for what will be either 9 weeks of railroad conductor training or 6 months of railroad engineer training in Sacramento, CA. We haven't decided which program Patrick will go for, but the conductor training is a prerequisite for the engineer training so we are starting with that for now.

We are still hoping to hear from the City of Savannah regarding a job he applied for a couple of weeks ago. They are looking for a civil engineer with exactly Pat's qualifications, and have emailed him saying they "may be calling him for an interview". Not exactly useful since they haven't called yet and he has to be in California by Saturday night for his training orientation. So instead of waiting around for a call that my never come, or may not result in a job Patrick went ahead and left.

Oh, one more completely unrelated thing. Clay slept from about 10 last night until 7 this morning making it the first full night of sleep for me in MONTHS. What a great feeling.

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