Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Where are the Clara picture?

I feel a bit guilty for not having many pictures of Clara lately. Here is my list of excuses: 1) it is hard to get a picture of a 2 year old. They are fast! and while you find the camera, they find trouble. 2) She doesn't like to smile nicely right now. She says "Cheese" and scrunches up her face all silly. Or ducks and hides from the camera 3) We are living in two states and I'm only around half of the time, and who wants to spend that precious time trying to find the camera and charger. 4) Last week she got a mosquito bite on her eye lid. It swelled up to the point that she couldn't open her eye. Not very photogenic.

All of that being said, I did manage to get one picture this week of her in front of my mother's hydrangea bush. But even in this one she is acting a bit silly. Ah, 2 year olds!

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