Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Baby 2's First Photos

We had our first ultrasound on Baby 2 today and B2 looks healthy. The only thing is they estimate the age as about 2 weeks farther along than I think I am. I think they are wrong, but we'll see. For those un-initiated with fuzzy black and white photos, I'll try to explain what each image is showing:

This is looking down on the baby's face. Ooops! Looks like I'm having an alien - nope that is what we all look like at this age. The white line on the left is the baby's right arm and hand.

The photo above is a side profile of the baby facing up. The head is on the right, body in the middle, and the legs are curled up on the left.

This one is a side profile of the baby facing down. The upper right 'c' shape is the right arm and a big thumbs up for Mom and Dad. The white curve on the left is the right leg.

This one is the left hand waving.

Two feet. The toes are pointing to the upper left corner.

And the 'money' shot. This one is pointing up between the baby's legs as if the baby is sitting on the camera. The white mass on the upper right corner is the baby's bottom with the legs jutting off to the left/lower left. The arrow is pointing at the genitalia. We were told that it is too early to make a definitive gender determination, but we have a pretty good idea. What do you think? Time to buy pink or blue?

1 comment:

Felicia said...

BLUE!!! Ya-hoo! :))