Thursday, March 29, 2012

Clara's new bike

Instead of one big fourth birthday party, Clara had a couple little ones. These are some pictures of her one at Grandma Dayna and Paw-paw Chris's house.
She got a new doll and clothes which she adores, but the 'big gift' was from Mom and Dad...a new princess bike.  She had to solve clues on a scavenger hunt to find it hidden in the back yard.
Clay didn't try to ride, but he was mighty interested in understanding the mechanics behind Clara's new ride.
I love the next picture.  It just captures Clayton for me.  The sweet expression, the filthy shirt - it pretty much sums up my little man.
Did I mention this was a camping party. Clara had been asking me to go camping for her birthday so Grandpa set up the tent in the backyard.  We roasted hotdogs and marshmallows for dinner on a campfire and Clara and I started the night in the tent.  We ended up in the house...she got sick in the middle of the night after a little too much birthday, but it was fun anyhow.

Clara also got a lovely ballerina doll from Uncle Mason that looked just like her.
Oh, and one last gift from Mom and Dad...goldfish.  Clara named them Dorothy and Finn. 

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