Sunday, October 16, 2011

Clayton is 10 months old

So, Clay is now 10 months old. He is amazing and doing very well. Physically, he is crawling everywhere very fast, pulling up on furniture (or me if I stand still), cruising around the furniture, but not walking yet. He can balance standing up for a second or two, but then sits down so he can start crawling to his next destination.

He has 4 teeth (2 center bottoms and two vampire fangs on top), but I think the 2 top centers will be in soon. His gums are pretty white up there and he has been a little fussier than usual, which I hope to attribute to teething.

With his 4 teeth he eats just about anything...crackers, apple slices, mac and cheese, corn dogs, pickles, pizza, fajita beef. OK, that doesn't make his diet look too balanced, but that is just a sampling. Basically he will gnaw on whatever I'll give him. And he still nurses, but mostly for comfort. But boy does he find it comforting.

He baby babbles a lot. His favorite 'words': Dada, no (which he pronounces do), and occasionally a bye-bye accompanied with a little wave. He also likes to squeal...a lot. Whenever he gets excited or wants my attention he will scream the shrill little squeal and then smile at me looking very proud at the noise he has made and his ability to get my attention.

My favorite thing about him right now is that he is getting more interactive with Clara. He watches everything she does and tries to imitate a lot of her actions. They are starting to play together, and Clara has even told me he is her best friend (along with Aidan and Mei-Mei).

Having two children close together in age hasn't been the easiest decision to live with as a nearly single parent (Patrick is still gone in Sacramento and has been since the end of April, but should be home for a visit in November), but one of the main reasons we wanted to have our children close in age was the hope that it would foster a close relationship between them. So far, that seems to be the case, and it warms my heart to see them enjoy each other.

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