Sunday, May 29, 2011

Selma's House Revealed

The following are video clips of my Grandmother's reaction to the home we remodeled for her. She purchased it as a foreclosure needing A LOT of work. We fixed it up while she was still living out of state. We where all excited to see if she would like it as much as we hoped she would.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Clayton Slithers

Clay hasn't quite learned to crawl, but he can certainly get around by slithering on his tummy.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Flat Pat's New Ride

Clara painted Flat Dad a new car. I guess when he is done with our family he can be a cabbie. It was one of the first paintings that she has made without being prompted. I just set out the paints and she chose to make a car.

And here I am with my little man. He is getting so big. He smiles as long as he is the center of attention, but on the flip side he will cry the minute he realizes that he isn't.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Flat Dad Feeds Clayton

Better watch out, Flat Dad, baby boy can get awfully stick. You don't want to mess up you stylin' clothes.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me

Flat Pat and Clara wishing me a happy birthday. Thanks guys!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Clara's New Sundresses

So I've been squeezing a little sewing into my busy schedule. Nothing fancy, but I have had the chance to sew a few sundresses for Clara. And the best part for me is that she just LOVES them! This one is an owl motif and her best friend Marian has a matching one. And the Easter bunny brought both girls matching owl purses. Too cute.

This one has a psychedelic sixties flower power vibe. Lots of fun.

And on this last one, it is hard to see but those are little watermelon seeds on seer-sucker fabric. It was cute to start with, but I think the black rick-rack really makes it work.

Help Around the Kitchen

Flat Pat has been so much help around the kitchen. Here he is starting water for our spaghetti dinner. And he has been keeping such a great attitude lately. What a gem!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Clayton's first set of wheels

Flat Dad goes cruisin' with Clayton in the baby walker.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday Night Crash Night

Flat Pat is all ready for Friday Night Crash Night!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Clara and Flat-Dad's Fashion Show

Flat-Dad enjoyed a rousing playdate with Clara today. Nothing beats dolly dress-up!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Flat-Pat Plays Fetch

Kaylee has come to visit from Mom and Dad's, but Flat-Pat doesn't mind the company. Here they are playing fetch:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Flat Pat makes the bed

Flat Pat surprised me this morning by making the bed. See him there showing off his work...

Flat Pat just loves throw pillows!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Today we had a new arrival we would like to introduce. This is Flat-Pat 2.0 (AKA Flat-Dad 2.0). He came to us from the Society for a Better World with the following message:

Dear Pecunia Mom and kids,

Recently we were made aware of your familial interruption following the departure of Patrick Pecunia, husband and father, upon his enrollment in Modoc Railroad Academy. We are pleased to be sending you our latest creation; the answer to your loneliness and boredom; the companion/father figure you’ve been looking for…. FLAT-PAT (aka FLAT-DAD).

Enclosed you will find your customized replacement Patrick. As you can see we spared no expense…Flat-Pat has it all: Patrick’s winning smile, Georgia Tech T-shirt, and Flip-Flops. He really is a companion for all needs, and will keep the kids laughing with his witty repartee. And, Mrs. Pecunia, we haven’t forgotten you… you’ll be pleased to find that Flat-Pat loves doing laundry, dishes, and regular household cleaning. He is a wiz in the kitchen, and a tiger in the bedroom .

But wait, that’s not all. Flat-Pat 2.0 has an important upgrade from the original Flat-Pat. After complaints that Flat-Pat was just too 2-dimentional with his one glowing facial expression, we upgraded Flat-Pat 2.0 to include his look for when he is just barely putting up with your S*@t. Notice on the reverse side of Flat-Pat 2.0 is “Not-Amused-Flat-Pat”(NAFP). NAFP has many of the same great features as the original Flat-Pat (Georgia Tech T-shirt, cargo shorts, and flip flops), but he has a few upgrades. NAFP has a half smile to imply that he doesn’t really think you are all that funny and the crucial sunglasses to hide his eyes when they are rolling back into his head. Yes, Flat-Pat 2.0 has it ALL.

We hope that you enjoy Flat-Pat 2.0 and look forward to seeing blogged documentation of all of his adventures while he is with your family.


The Society for a Better World

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Modoc Week 1

So we've been a split family for a week now. To make things easier, the kids and I have been at my parents' house this last week. They are renovating a small house for my Grandmother. She will be moving in at the end of the month. It is a mess over there, but that doesn't stop the kids from having a good time. Clara 'helps' out (aka- gets in the middle of everything) and Clay enjoys hanging around watching the action. His favorite vantage point is the baby pouch, but the next best place is the Johnny Jump-up...

In other news this week Clay has recently started eating solids. So far he's had sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, sweet peas, squash, apple sauce, pears, and bananas. All mixed with rice cereal and breast milk. I know that I am supposed to wait 4-5 days between introducing a new food, but I haven't been. So much for my 'mom of the year' award. He hasn't really gotten the hang of eating off a spoon yet. I sort of cram it in and he pushes it out, and I cram it in again; but by the end of things most of it usually goes down.

My favorite thing to report is that for the past 2 nights Mr. Clayton has slept through until at least 7:30. I don't count it as sleeping through unless the sun is up before he is. The consequential downside is that he is taking shorter and fewer daytime naps. Oh, how I miss those.

But at least he still is keeping a sense of humor about all of the upheaval.

Here is Clara flaunting it at Grandma Selma's new house. Apparently proper construction attire includes a red cowgirl hat... So that's what I've been missing...

Also on the Clara front, we've been inching our way closer to potty training success. So far she is pretty good about the pee-pee, but she keeps having accidents with the poop. Well, a couple of days ago she finally went poopie in the potty so to celebrate I took her to the local playground. And we were in luck; there was just one other child... a three year old girl. They played together great- running, sliding, and frolicking until... Clara all but peed on the girl! They were climbing through a tunnel and Clara stopped. I asked if her shoe fell off, but then noticed the tube was dripping! I was humiliated. The other little girl was right behind her. They came out to the tube and went down the slide before I could get her. I appoligized to the other parents since there sweet and potty trained little girl has just slid down the slide through the wet trail my 'darling' had left. They didn't seem as mortified as I was, but maybe they were just being polite. We haven't been back since... I'm so afraid I'll run into them again. The only upside is that was 3 days ago and she hasn't had an accident (pee-pee or poopie) since.

And somehow, even with everything else going on, I have managed to make some more clothes for Clara. Here is the latest. A dress I made yesterday. It is a size too big, but I wanted to make sure it would fit all summer and at the rate she is growing that still may be too small.

And finally, my parents' town of Monticello has about 3 resteraunts. Our favorite being the local Mexican one. And at the checkout of that resteraunt they have a bins of candy. It has become such a tradition of getting a tootsie pop after dinner that I don't think I could have a margarita without one. Well, Clara likes that tradition, too (the lolly pop one, not the margarita one). The only problem is that after a margarita I'm not always the most observant parent. So somehow I got her ready for bed and into bed without noticing that she still had her tootsie pop... let's just say we found it the next morning.

Don't worrry... it came out without scissors.