Monday, August 2, 2010

Clara's Thoughts on Friendship

Today Clara came up to me to discuss her relationship with Aidan and Marian (May-may) Hess, the children of my best friend, Kelly.

Clara: Aidan, May-may my my friends.
Me: Yes they are your friends. And their Mommy, Kelly, is my friend.
Clara: Yes, Keh-wee your your friend. (then to my Mom's dog) Big dogs your your friends puppy.

We (Clara, me and the dog) visited Kelly and family last week. And while Kelly, the kids and I are all definitely friends, I think that Clara was stretching the comparison a bit when she included the dogs. Kaylee, my mom's Pomeranian spent most of our visit yapping and growling at Kelly's indifferent, but much larger dogs... not exactly friendly. But I still thought it was cute that Clara is drawing these comparisons and humanizing the dogs' relationship.

Other Clara interests of late:
*Sweeping Booty (aka Sleeping Beauty). She wants to watch it at least 3-4 times a day, but covers her eyes when Maleficent is acting particularly scary. She also runs around the house yelling "pink, blue, pink, blue" from the dress changing scene.
*Fashion. Clara wants to change her cloths and shoes multiple times a day. Currently she is wearing a Tinker Bell costume and pink polka dotted house slippers, but soon she will take me by the hand and lead me to her closet saying "Closet light on, pweese".
*Playing keep away from my mom's dog. We have been dog sitting Kaylee this week. Clara has enjoyed having the dog around, but hasn't mastered the ins-and-outs of playing fetch... particularly the throwing part The dog prances around with its ball, Clara snatches it then runs through the house with the dog trailing behind her yelling "I got da ball, I got da ball. No puppy, my ball". Kaylee waits for Clara to throw it, but usually only gets a chance at the ball when Clara gets dizzy from running in circles and falls down, dropping the ball in her fall.

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