I don't know why this on loaded sideways, and I can't seem to get it to rotate, but it was too cute to leave out of the lineup.

We spent Saturday at Animal Kingdom and Sunday at Epcot. Here is Clara taking a little snack break. Grapes where the food of the weekend. Clara likes to pick one favorite food and that is all she wants to eat for a day or two (or until you go to the store and stock up on it) then she changes to something completely different. But for this weekend it was grapes. Luckily Disney sells grapes (I won't tell you how much I had to pay for them, but believe me it was worth it to keep our little princess smiling).

This one is in a Zen garden in the China at Epcot. I love that the zen vibe even calmed Clara...for a while.

Somewhere around Germany Clara found this donkey. At first she was too timid to touch him. I think she thought he was real. But she warmed up to him and soon wanted to ride...

She got upset when I told her he wasn't for riding. Poor girl.

We stayed at the Pop Century Resort for the first time on this trip. We all loved it. Clara was especially into the swimming pool. But it was still pretty cold... January isn't the best swimming weather, even in Florida.

I had already been in and knew that the water was mighty cold, so I had the camera ready to snap Patrick's expression when he first waded in. Love it!

Clara loved it, and didn't seem at all bothered by the cool water. "Swim, swim" she said every time we walked within sight of the pools during our trip.

We convinced Clara to join us in the regular pool. It was quite a bit warmer than the kiddie pool.

We loved the decorations around the resort. I think this is the biggest Mickey we've ever seen. He certainly caught Clara's eye.

And right outside our room Clara found the souvenirs she wanted to take home. And don't feel sad, Dad... there is one for you, too.
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