Clara learned the wonders of the Ipod. Mom and Dad learned how to upload Curious George and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Now Clara is techno-savvy.

We went to Disney World and had some of the best weather all year. It was a last minute trip, but turned out to be one of our best.

Opps, we forgot to bring her booster seat to the condo we rented. So Dad helped Clara eat her macaroni and cheese in the bathtub. Necessity is the mother of invention!

Clara learned to say 'cake' and she said it so much that I couldn't deny her. She helped me whip up a for-no-reason-at-all cake. And boy did she enjoy the frosting.

Dad and Clara still are best friends. She loves him almost as much as the goggles she found. She wouldn't take them off for anything.

This month we introduced play-dough. What a mess, but she does enjoy it.

We went back to the beach, but Clara is old enough now to be scared of the waves. She was ok as long as Dad didn't set her down.

We also found time to visit our favorite park.

And finally, Clara must have some New Orleans blood in her because this little girl LOVES her beads!

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