Wednesday, September 30, 2009

18 Month Check-up

Well, Clara is feeling better, but today we still had to go back to the pediatrician's office. This time for Clara's 18 month check-up. She is still growing well and is still 80% in weight at 26.5 lbs, above 97% in length at 34.5 inches, and her head circumference is 95% at 19 1/4 inches. Both the nurse and the doctor commented on how smooth her growth charts have been. They were pleased.

Clara still has a bit of fluid behind her ears so we got a perscription for another 5 days of oral antibiotics, and she had one immunization which she didn't like at all, but other than that she got a clean bill of health.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Well, Clara has been fighting a cold since August 27... 4 days after she started pre-school. Talk about your predictable incubation period. Anyway, it has just been a cold. Runny nose for a few days, then cough for a few weeks... now the nasal symptoms are back. It has been so hard knowing when to send her to school since the symptoms seem to wax and wane. I kept her out 2 days 2 weeks ago when they called to say that her runny nose was pretty bad. Yesterday they sent a note home that again said the nose is too runny for school.

I don't want to be the evil mom who sends her kid to school to contaminate the rest of them, but I also don't want to keep her away any longer than necessary. We are paying a pretty penny for this toddler education and she does seem to love going to school now.

The good news is she seems to feel great. She is still running around, eating normally, sleeping well, and there has been no temperature. I took her to the doctor's last week when the school was pressuring me a bit becuase her cough had not improved. The doctor said she has a...cold. Surprise, surprise, and also said that he would prefer not to prescribe her an antibotic because he didn't think it would help for what appears to be a virus.

So for now she is home with me, which I enjoy, but I do wish I wasn't paying for childcare that she isn't using. I'm planning to keep her home the rest of the week. Maybe we can focus some more on the potty training. Hopefully she'll be well enough to return to school next week.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

adventures in potty-land

Well we are getting closer to pottyland. It seems to be a long journey, but that may just be because we are taking it slowly.

Today Clara pulled off her diaper so I took that as a possible sign that she wanted to use her potty. I got it out and sat her on it and nothing happened :( It turned out she took the diaper off because it was wet...and because she seems to like to run around naked, but that is a story for another posting. But then about 45 minutes later she pulled her new diaper off and went to set on the potty without my coaxing. I thought she was just playing a game with me, but no... she did indeed need to use the potty.

By the end of the morning she had taken her diaper off and used the potty 4 times. I had no idea a kid could pee so much! At that time I had to go to bed and Pat took over the childcare duties. He said he didn't have any luck in the potty department this afternoon, but I'll take my small victories as they come.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Newest Mouskateer

We spent Labor Day weekend at Disney World with Grand Mary. Clara had a great time even though she and Dad are fighting off a cold. Day one was spent at Downtown Disney and around the pool. Day 2 was at Epcot, and 3 was at Animal Kingdom. Clara got ready to meet her Disney pals...

We actually had several strangers stop us at Epcot to take her picture. Baby's first paparazzi!

Clara rode the Nemo and Friends ride with Grand Mary.

Dad and Clara waiting in line to meet the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse crowd.

Mom's favorite misunderstood duck, Donald!

It was like looking in a mirror for Miss Clara!