She enjoys babbling to herself, but most of it is baby gibberish. She still has about a 4 word vocabulary (Dada, Kitty, Titty, and rarely Mama)... but she also pointed out a dog to me last weekend and said Dawdga. So maybe that's 5 words. And when she gets angry she will shake her finger at the object of contempt and babble in a disapproving tone. It is adorable.
She is becoming a much pickier eater. She turns her head away from anything on a spoon (creamy yogurt being the one exception) and only wants to eat finger foods she can feed herself. This is causing a little trouble in that she still only has 6 teeth (4 on top and 2 on bottom). Her favorites are bananas and Gerber pasta pickups (for non-parents they are little toddler size ravioli without sauce). Clara also snacks on cheerios and goldfish crackers. I've been letting her try more and more table foods... except for sweets, we're saving cake and ice cream for her first birthday. She is still nursing, but mostly as a comfort activity rather than for nourishment. We've also introduced whole milk in her sippy cup...tried formula for more nutrients, but that did NOT go over well. Below you can see how messy these self-feeding sessions can be - this particular one involved toast with grape jelly (and no, I have no idea what I was thinking).

After her messy dinner times it is time for bathy. For bath time she has graduated to the 'big tub' even though I think she would have preferred to stay in the sink. Her assorted rubber duckies (she has her own flock) all join her for her nightly bubble bath.
Nighttime has also gotten a lot easier for Mom and Dad. Clara sleeps through the night almost every night. Or when she does wake up and cry she has learned to sooth herself back to sleep. Of course these long sleeping nights have resulted in little to no day time naps, but the trade-off is working ok for our family.
In about a week and a half we have planned Clara's first visit to Disneyworld - and yes, I know she won't remember any of it... but I will and I can't wait to see the awe and excitement in her eyes. Don't worry, I've got the camera charging already.
1 comment:
Hey! We just got back from Disney! She will love it!!!! Preston went when he was just over 12 months and he really liked to look at everything. Yes, she won't remember it, but she will look at the pictures one day and see how happy her little family was! (and still is!) Have fun!
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