So today Clayton is one month old and I wanted to take a minute to record all he has been up to. He is nursing and sleeping most of the time. We have started to find our daily routine. He gets up around 8am, nurses, and is up an alert for a couple of hours. Then around 10am he nurses again and goes down for a little nap. Usually from about 11am to 1pm he is up, alert and taking little nursing breaks. Then he generally takes a nice afternoon nap until about 4 or 5pm. He then is nursing and up again until around 8pm when he watches Clara take her bath, then has his own. We shoot for bedtime around 9pm.
Nighttime has our family doing some bed hopping around the house. Because we have a split bedroom plan, for the first few weeks I was sleeping in the daybed in his room, but I found myself bringing him into the bed with me to nurse. That just wasn't working - It isn't very safe for him, it sets a bad precedent, and I wasn't sleeping very well with him rooting and grunting next to me. So now I have started to sleep in Clara's room across the hall from Clay's nursery so I can be close for nighttime feedings, but not hear every noise he makes. Clara either sleeps in her own bed with me, or migrates to the master bedroom with Dad. Clayton gets up about 3-4 times a night to nurse, but as soon as he eats he goes right back to sleep in his crib.
He can hold his head up pretty well now, but it still wobbles after a while. He has started to track objects with his eyes and often turns toward noises. He it pretty noisy - lots of grunts and squeaks. He kicks his legs a lot, and will push up to help support his weight if you hold him over a flat surface. Still no true smiles, but the hard, grumpy old man, baby grimace is starting to fade away to a more relaxed facial expression. And he'll blink his big eyes around with curiosity and seems more engaged in his environment.
When he is awake Clayton's favorite activities are being held, laying under his activity gym, relaxing in his sling chair, or swaying in the soothing station... oh, and of course, nursing.