So I know this is Clara's blog, but this is a post just to update everyone about the craziness that is going on in our whole family right now. Since it affects Clara, I think it is still appropriate for her blog, and frankly I want to be able to read this later, and be like "wow, remember all of that, I'm sure glad it's all behind us." Not that any of what is going on is bad, in fact we are pleased about all of the changes, but the process of change is still exhuasting. So here's what's up.
1) Patrick has been at is new job in GA for almost 2 months. It is going well, but with any new job there is a learning curve, and he is used to being the guy who had the answers, not the one with all the questions.
2) Megan is still working night shift in Florida and commuting every other week to Georgia to be with Patrick and Clara. It is an 8 hour commute. Lots of miles, lots of gas, lots of time. She gave her notice at work and will be going down 3 more times over the next month and a half. And lets not forget about the guilt being away from Clara every other week can cause!
3) Clara and Patrick are living in a 2 bedroom apartment. It is nice and contains most of the family's worldly possessions, but it is also full... but the house is Florida is not empty. Problem? I think so.
4) Megan is pregnant. The first trimester is just about over, but the nausea has yet to completely resolve. Everyone is happy that the family is growing, but honestly the pregnancy isn't getting the attention it deserves because there is just too much else to think about before nursery plans or even naming ideas can get underway. Oh, but be sure this baby is not to be ignored - (s)he has already got Megan looking like a super Blimp. Thanks, little one!
5) Grandma Dayna and Grandpa Chris are trying to get one of there houses on the market, so any 'free' time the family has is spent trying to help finish the basement construction and empty the house out and into the new one. Nerves are getting fried and we all just hope that it is sold soon.
6) Speaking of selling houses, Patrick and Megan need to get the Florida house sold soon, too. But how do you list a home on the market when one of the owners sleeps all day. Not ideal to show the home and have a sleeping pregnant woman in one of the bedrooms. So even though that house needs to sell, it is going to have to wait until Megan is done working and the last of the junk can be unloaded.
So again this is not to be construed as a series of complaints about our current situation. We are excited to have the changes in our life, but they have kept us busy. So we are sorry if our communication have been missing or massively delayed. It's not you, its US!