Monday, June 30, 2008

3 Month Update

Clara turned 3 months old yesterday and I juat wanted to update everyone about how she has been doing. I weighed her and she is 14 lb, 3 oz. A healthy girl for sure.

So far she has been eating breatmilk only... mostly straight from the breast, but Dad has been giving her a bottle each night when I work.

I went back to work a week ago. It was probably the hardest thing I've ever done. I'm working full time but still 7 days on, 7 days off at night so I have every other week off with her. On my work weeks she will be staying home with either Patrick, Grandma Mary, or Grandma Dayna. During the day they bring her in to nurse while I'm sleeping, then I get up for bathtime and bedtime before I leave for work.

Sleeping has been improving for the most part. She generally sleeps in her crib from 8pm til 8 am... and gets up for a feeding or two during the night.

As for diapers, we've been using Bum-Geneous cloth diapers exclusively since she was about 2 weeks old. I love them. They are super soft and absorbant. We rarely have an leaks and never have had any diaper rash problems. They cost a little bit up front, but I know in the long run they will save us a bundle over disposable diapers.

In the phyical activity area, she is trying to roll over, but can't quite do it on her own yet. She can sit up with assitance, loves to play airplane in Mom or Dad's arms. She has started reaching and grabbing toys, and loves to jump in her jumper.

All and all, it has been an amazing 3 months. We can't believe how fast they have gone and how much she has changed.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

4 Generations

When Great Grandma Selma (GG) came to visit in May along with Grandma Dayna we all went to get a 4 generation family photo of the women in our family.

Clara didn't care much for her first trip to the photographer's studio. She smiled all morning until we got her in front of the camara. Oh, well... at least we got one pretty good picture of us girls. Patrick has dubbed this picture "A whole lot of Opinion". Also, if you look on her wrist, you'll see a baby bracelet that once belonged to her Great-Great-Aunt Eleanor...a family heirloom I hope she can one day pass on to her own daughter.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Hangin' with Dad on Father's Day.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Grandpa Bob's Visit

Grandpa Bob came to meet me this weekend. Here are some pictures of the fun we had.

Here I am chillin' in the hammock Grandpa bought us. It's great.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Clara continues to grow. At her check-up today she weighed in at 12lb 14oz (95%) and she is 24.75 inches long (97%).

She also had her first set of immunizations today. She did NOT like those! Luckily, after the tears subsided she slept the better part of the day.

Here are a few pictures from the last couple of days.